blockdiag sphinx integration

Blockdiag has an sphinx integration. This allows to use blockdiag from the sphinx .


Before using blockdiag integration, you have to install these softwares.

  • sphinx
  • blockdiag
  • sphinxcontrib-blockdiag

You can use pip to install these.


Write some in the your

extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.blockdiag']

# Fontpath for blockdiag (truetype font)
# if you want to use CJF fonts, you should set this.
blockdiag_fontpath = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ipafont/ipagp.ttf'

Let's drawing!

OK. everything is done. Now it's time to drawing.

sphinxcontrib-blockdiag delivers the blockdiag directive.

.. blockdiag::

blockdiag {
   // Set span metrix
   span_width = 80;  // default value is 64

   // set default shape
   default_shape = roundedbox;  // default value is 'box'

   // set default colors
   default_node_color = lightblue;
   default_group_color = "#7777FF";
   default_linecolor = blue;
   default_textcolor = red;

   Something -> Anything [label = "What's !?"];
   Something -> Grouping;
   Grouping -> Two;

   group {

From these texts, blockdiag draws this image.

Description table

You can add the desctable option. This addes the description of each nodes to the document.

.. blockdiag::

 blockdiag {
    A -> B -> C;
    A [description = "browsers in each client"];
    B [description = "web server"];
    C [description = "database server"];
Name Description
A browsers in each client
B web server
C database server

Blockdiag with tinkerer

As you know, tinkerer use the sphinx, blockdiag can draw images in the tinkerer with same setting.