Watch MQTT packet with Wireshark



  1. wireshark Generic Dissector _ from your tailored to the architecture download

  2. MQTT dissector / decoder for Wireshark>` _ download the zip from. When deployed

    • Mqtt3.1.fdesc
    • Mqtt3.1.wsgd

    Two files will come out.

  3. I throw three files in total into the plugin directory.

    In Ubuntu 13.04, wireshark 1.10.2 it was / usr / lib / x86 _ 64 - linux - gnu / wireshark / libwireshark 3 / plugins /.

Afterwards if you start wireshark normally it is OK.

Because I could not take a screen shot anyhow, I borrowed the image of the page just before.


It seems that broker development is making progress.

Lua Plugin

Wireshark can run Lua as a plugin. There is an MQTT dessector implemented by Lua, so you can use it here. In a feeling that I used it lightly it is easier to see this one such as flags.


How to use

Download mqtt.lua from the above github. after that

% wireshark -X lua_script:mqtt.lua

And if you run it is ok. If you want to use it permanently, put it in the wireshark plugins directory and use it.

Authority problem

Note that wireshark has been built with Lua enabled with default from 1.8 and above, but at the same time it is disabled for Lua when launching as root user.

When capturing packets with general users, on Linux set as follows. Reference : Platform-Specific information about capture privileges

% sudo setcap 'CAP_NET_RAW+eip CAP_NET_ADMIN+eip' /usr/bin/dumpcap
Authority to use RAW socket and PACKET socket
Authority to perform network related operations

So please cut it if you do not need it.