Attach serial number host name in Ansible etc.

クックパッドの新オフィスでitamaeによる寿司の無限プロビジョニングを体験して、Ansibleのお悩み相談してきた #infra_sushi

I saw an article called.


I fully agree with that.

Actually, however, these two problems can be solved even with ansible. (I'm not listening to LT, so I'm sorry if I'm out of your mind)

1. Variable setting for EC2 instance creation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------



When there is already an inventory file called

- hosts: webservers
  gather_facts: no  # noにしておくと捗る
    - local_action:
        module: ec2
        instance_type: t2.micro
        image: "{{ ami }}"  # inventory
        exact_count: 3
          role: "{{group_tag }}" # ここちゃんと使えます
        region: us-east-1
      run_once: true  # 1.7以降で使えます
      register: ec2

local_action so is the host to run the ansible-playbook command, no matter alone is what is written in the hosts, it will be executed in the localhost.

However, if you specify a group that contains multiple hosts, the number of modules specified by local_action will also be executed.

For this reason, introduced from 1.7 run_once use. Run_once is a parameter to make it run only on the host defined at the head of the group. Since it is local_action this time, it sounds to be executed only once on the local host.

Host name automatic number assignment

Although it is automatic numbering, I interpret it as shaking consecutive numbers here.

Numbering is with_indexed_items With, {{ item.0 }} to the index number is, {{ item.1 }} to contains the contents of the list.

- debug: msg="{{ item.1 }} at {{ item.0 }}"
  with_indexed_items: some_list

I will use this.

At first I tried this,

- hostname: name="{{ host_prefix }}-{{ item.0 }}"
  with_indexed_items: play_hosts

If this is the case, for example, if there are 3 units, it will be executed 9 times in total, 3 times for each 3 units.

So, the above-described run_once combine with. However, if it is simply run_once, it can only be set by one unit. Here delegate_to use.

- hostname: name="{{ host_prefix }}-{{ item.0 }}"
  run_once: yes
  delegate_to: "{{ item.1 }}"
  with_indexed_items: play_hosts

By the way, play_hosts has entered the list of hosts to be in this play, is a pre-defined variable from the beginning.


I hate to start with 0? It's luxury.

- hostname: name="{{ host_prefix }}-{{ item.0 + 1}}"


So I showed that it can be solved ansible for two problems.

However, as you can see, it is quite tricky as you can see, so we agree that it is better to combine at the right place.


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