Connect to AWS IoT from mqttcli

mqttcli that, to develop a MQTT client running in the CLI, to the public.

Let's connect to AWS IoT from this mqttcli.

Download mqttcli

mqttcli files from,

  • Linux (arm / amd64)
  • FreeBSD (arm / amd64)
  • Darwin (amd64)
  • Windows (amd64)

There are prepared, please download the binary suitable for your own architecture. Then, chmod u+x mqttcli and please grant execute permissions.

Make things with AWS IoT

  1. From AWS console AWS IoT Open.
  2. Create Resource from Create Thing select the
  3. Enter the Name, Create press
  4. Since the Thing of the name that you just entered in the list below comes out, select, from the right of the tag Connect a Device click.
  5. Connect a Device since coming out of the screen that, NodeJS press, Generate Certificate and Policy Press
  6. After about 10 seconds,
  • Download Public Key
  • Download Private Key
  • Download Certificate

You are instructed to download three files, so download them all.

  1. Confirm & Start Connecting press. Then, the following JSON is displayed, so copy it and save it in a file.

    Code-Block .. :: json


    "Host" : "A3HVHEAALED.Iot.Ap-northeast-1.Amazonaws.Com", "Port" : 8883, "clientId" : "Something", "ThingName" : "Something", "CaCert" : "Root-CA .Crt "," ClientCert " : " 2A338xx2xxf-Certificate.Pem.Crt "," privateKey " : " Aad380efffx-Private.Pem.Key "


  2. root-CA.crt というファイルを AWS IoT SDKのここ _ as it is written on, `こちらのSymantecのページ Authority-G5.pem> `_ please be obtained from.

  3. Please put the three files you downloaded earlier, the JSON file and root - CA.crt in the same directory.

This is the end of the preparation.

Connect to AWS IoT

Go to the directory containing the file and start mqttcli as follows. -t to specify the topic in but, $ you might need to escape. --conf is a JSON file that you just saved to specify in. -d is for debugging.

$ mqttcli sub -t "\$aws/things/something/shadow/update" --conf something.json -d
INFO[0000] Broker URI: ssl://
INFO[0000] Topic: $aws/things/something/shadow/update
INFO[0000] connecting...
INFO[0000] client connected

With success it is successful. I can connect with MQTT.

Update Thing Shadow

To update Thing Shadow send JSON as shown below.

  "state": {
    "reported": {
      "from": "mqttcli"

Let's send it with mqttcli

echo '{"state": {"reported": {"from": "mqttcli"} } }"' | mqttcli pub -t "\$aws/things/something/shadow/update" --conf something.json -d -s

Now, from the AWS Console, the state should be rewritten.

In this way, I was able to touch AWS IoT with mqttcli and. I also confirm that the same thing can be done by mosquitto_sub.

At last

Let's use AWS IoT's SDK instead of hitting MQTT directly. Then you do not have to be conscious of MQTT like this.