- Change all aspect endpoints, e.g. user/XXX/todos orvenue/XXX/tips to have the standard count and items format.
- Do not return “off-the-grid” check-ins for users other than theuser who created it. offthegrid is no longer a type, and insteadcheck-ins may have an optional private field.
- For venueless and shout check-ins, there is no venue member ofthe checkin. Instead, we introduce a location member that maycontain lat, lng, and name.
- Change notificationType and groupType to just type to beconsistent with types elsewhere
- Improved venue search documentation.
- Fixed broken user response documentation.
- Venue search no longer requires specific user authentication,can use client_id and client_secret as params.
- errorType is now being returned on error.
- A single failing request in multi does not break the wholebatch.
- Category IDs are now alphanumeric IDs.
- Change all timestamps to be createdAt, where some were previouscalled created or timestamp (in checkins, tips, and to-dos).
- Change location information from geolat and geolong to lat andlng.
- Change all list objects to contain items (in venue todos andvenue search group contents).
- Add friends, followers, and requests to user detail response.